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He said, “All you need is some really cute earrings”.

My stylist told me this one day after I rushed into his awesome boutique seeking guidance. I needed to go to a party and thought I needed a complete outfit to go to the party! He walked up to me and said

“All you need is some really cute earrings”.

He told me I’m too cute to be worrying myself to death and said sometimes you just need to chill out put on some lip gloss and some dope earrings and be done! I thought to myself, he’s always been right before so I’ll try it! I went home and looked through my jewelry and found all kinds of earrings to choose from: Forever 21, Claire’s, Icing, and wherever else earrings I had picked up over a decade. I ended up breaking two earrings and merging them together. My night ended up FABULOUS!!

I walked through the crowd of glammed up Amazonian barbie’s but the men’s eyes were still on me!!!! And I’ve been buying earrings by the boatload ever since!!!

Nu Nu Foxx